Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bring it back to counter attack, this is not the end.

I think I'd like to just take this entry to say that I really miss my roommate, Daniel, more than I ever thought possible. It seems strange that I barely knew him, I feel like I've known him for years and years. And I still can't get over the verbiage I used when he posted a myspace bulletin about needing a roommate. I said "fate" and of course at the time it was just in a kind of joking manner. The effort that was required of all parties involved (me, Daniel, Greg, Landlord Edith) to get me moved in there--Daniel asked Edith to hold the room for me, I needed to scrape up $1200--it all just seems to crazy the way it went down. And now that my life is taking off in a fantastic way, it all still ties back to him. New friends, new relationships, new happiness all because of Daniel. Thinking about this is much to heavy for me right now, especially because in 4 days it will be the one year anniversary of Jonathan's death, so I will stop for now. But just don't be surprised if you see an entry very similar to this one in the near future. And by similar I mean probably exactly the same. I will never get over all of those coincidences.